Academic Affairs

Student Supervisory Relationship

For graduate students, attempting to report incidents of harassment, mental health issues and concerns about their relationships with their superiors is often a very stressful process due to the delicate nature of their position in the hierarchical academic system. Graduate students heavily rely on their relationship with their department, which includes faculty, other academics and their peers, as well as their relationship with their supervisor to advance academically. 

If you are facing supervisor issues, please contact GSS advocacy ( to meet with a peer-support specialist to listen to your concerns and advocate for your needs. 

Useful links

Research Integrity

As graduate students and academics, everyone is obligated to act morally and ethically in all research and work conducted in the university. However, unfair situations can arise beyond student’s control.  

If you are facing any concerns regarding research integrity, academic misconduct, non-academic misconduct, contact the Ombuds office ( or GSS Advocacy ( for support

Useful links

Supervisory Excellence: A Graduate Student Perspective Report

Published by the GSS in March 2017, Supervisory Excellence: A Graduate Student Perspective offers strong recommendations for the university to adopt.

This report emphasizes that effective student supervision is beneficial for not only the students but also for supervisors, the faculty and the university. This requires a holistically defined framework and an active implementation of the same, which needs to be prioritized by the supervisor as well as the managing faculty.

Supervisory Excellence Report