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Diversity And Representation

Students With Dependents

The GSS annual Student Satisfaction Survey’s reveal that as a group, students who have dependents tend to have very distinct needs. Which exhibits both positive and negative impacts on a students’ life. Perhaps unsurprisingly, students with dependents experience more financial hardship but they also enjoy better mental health and wellness, which could be a reflection of the power of family support they enjoy. 

7% of graduate students support dependents at UBC, both in the form of children, or relatives they care for. GSS understands that these students have different requirements, in terms of housing, transportation, work-life balance, and financial needs. They also interact with their peers and the campus a different tangent, many a times struggling to balance their personal life and academic/professional life. GSS advocates for these students, to help provide for their needs, and to make the university aware of the issues they encounter. We are currently working on a novel parental leave fund available for graduate students, more details will be updated shortly. 

International Students

UBC has the 2nd largest international student community in Canada. 30% of Masters students and 44% of Doctoral students at UBC are international. With international students adding to the diversity of the university, GSS ensures that they are welcomed and their transition into Canada made easier. The society holds numerous orientation sessions at the beginning of the academic year and the GSS advocacy team is always available to guide students. 

To learn more about the facilities available for international students, visit the online UBC International Student Guide. 

Students With Disabilities

The society advocates for a campus that is accessible and free from discrimination. We also understand the added financial pressures that can exist for students with disabilities, particularly as many domestic students have already reached the limit of financial support from the government. 

To learn more about the specific facilities available for students with disabilities, visit UBC Student Services and the Disability Affinity Group.

Other EDI Related Concerns

GSS does not tolerate any sort of discrimination on the basis of sex, gender, disability, race, etc. If you are facing any EDI concern, please contact GSS Advocacy ( for support as well as the UBC Equity & Inclusion Office (EIO). EIO can help through Human Rights Advising, Conflict Engagement Advising, Training & Education, Consultation Services, and Others. 

Further resources can be found on the UBC Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.