Gendered and Sexual Violence Resources

Some resources are available to students who have been impacted by sexualized violence.


List of Gendered and Sexual Violence Resources

UBC Policies and Official Offices on Sexual Misconduct

UBC Sexual Misconduct Policy and Resources

Contains detailed information on the definition of sexual misconduct, consent, prohibited relationships, disclosures, and reporting.


UBC Investigations Office

Responds promptly to all formal reports of sexual misconduct and discrimination involving UBC students, faculty, and staff.


UBC Support and Response Offices for Sexual Violence

UBC Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office (SVPRO)

A confidential place for those who have experienced any form of sexual or gender-based violence, regardless of where or when it took place.


UBC Counselling

Offers counselling services with professionals. Appointments can be virtual or in-person.


Independent Support Centres

Salal Sexual Violence Support Centre

A 24-hour crisis support, counselling, and justice assistance centre. They can be contacted at 604-255-6344 for immediate support.




AMS Sexual Assault Support Centre (SASC)

Committed to the education, support, and empowerment of all people who are survivors of sexualized violence, as well as their friends and family. The AMS also provides community resources that are available on-campus, off-campus, or online.



For general inquiries on resource and questions, please email