2023 Elections

Key Information

For the upcoming 2023 elections the following roles below outline a series of duties and roles that you are able to nominate yourself for. For further information of the roles please refer to section 8 of the GSS Bylaws or contact the Electoral and Student Engagement officer at eseo@gss.ubc.ca or email the elections committee at elections@gss.ubc.ca. All positions are paid


The President performs many important tasks including being public face of the GSS by speaking on behalf of the Society and graduate students, as well as being responsible for communications of the Society. This involves important leadership responsibilities including communication between the Society and its members and responsibility to Council for the execution of Council decisions by the Society and the Spokesperson for Council and the Society.

Vice President External Relations:

The Vice President External Relations is responsible for the external affairs of the Society. This involves representing the Society to external organizations that deliberate on the affairs relevant to graduate students by developing links with such organizations and promoting and communicating information on the Society’s activities to other organizations excluding UBC organizations. They will be responsible for community outreach and external political events of
the Society and liaising regularly with affiliated organization.

Vice President Students
The Vice President of Students hols the responsibility for academic matters of the Society supporting the Society’s affiliated organizations by enabling members to create social, recreational, and educational programs sponsored by the Society. This involves assessing the needs, in terms of services and programs, of the Society’s members on a regular basis. The Vice President’s goal is to encourage and facilitate affiliate organizations applications for the GSS Event Funding and liaising regularly with affiliate organizations.

Vice President University and Academic Affairs
The Vice President of Academic Affairs holds the responsibility of academic matters of the Society. This involves being responsible for the Academic and External Affairs Committee, by liaising with organizations concerning graduate student academic matters, as wells as the Faculty Association, the seasonal instructors, the teaching assistants, and the nonteaching staff.

Key dates

Nomination Period: January 23rd – February 3rd (at 5:30 pm)

Campaign Period: February 4th – February 28th

Election Period: March 1st – March 4th

candidate Profiles


Do you want your voice to be heard?So do I.My name is Violeta Fabiani, and I am running for Vice President, External Relations. I am a Master of Engineering Student in Civil Engineering. I currently serve as VP External for the Graduate Student Society where I have worked on expanding some key areas such as  – Scholarships and grants for graduate students , -job opportunities, -housing and childcare accessibility and affordability, and food security.
 I have participated in the graduate co-op program, and I am committed to improving communication with external organizations and providing students with more networking opportunities throughout these difficult times.Being myself an international student and a woman in engineering I am aware of the challenges minorities face, and I feel compelled to work towards equity. If elected I will continue to advocate for every student in this university to promote a safe and inclusive environment.
 Part of my duties if elected Vice President of External Relations include liaising with residence associations. As an architect with experience in urban and community planning, I am passionate about generating a sense of community, and I am very excited about the possibility to advocate for students and residents’ needs.
 I am also very sociable and enjoy spending time with my friends and my family as well as going to the beach, playing hockey and hiking.
Last but not least, please feel free to reach out to me anytime. I am here to listen, and new ideas are always welcome. I believe no concern is too small and I will do my best to help improve everything I can for the benefit of all current and future students.  I look forward to representing you, please vote, every vote can make a difference!

Isha Gill

Hello UBC Graduate Students!

My name is Isha Gill and I’m running to be your VP of University and Academic Affairs. Being a first year Master of Public Health student, I have had the opportunity to view graduate studies with fresh eyes. I have seen the gap in translation between Graduate Students’ concerns and University leadership. Through a transparent and student-centered approach, I aim to bridge this gap by prioritizing student consultations and amplifying student voices in all places where decisions about students are made. I will champion issues that are important to us, such as advocating against tuition hikes. I deeply believe that our strength comes in our diversity and everything that makes us unique. With an EDI-focused lens I will ensure representation on the Committees within the Society and University administration are reflective of our diverse graduate student population. Through collaboration with student groups on campus and affiliate organizations, I aim to strengthen student relationships and ultimately strengthen the student body as a whole. I am confident that my passion, dedication and skills make me the ideal candidate. I look forward to the opportunity to serve you and make a positive impact on your experience here at UBC.

Stephen Odoi

Hello comrades!

I am Stephen Odoi, and incoming GSS VP Student Affairs. A change-maker determined to bring change, progress, and hope to all the graduate students. My passion for creating a safe, welcoming, and successful learning environment for all students comes from my analytical perspective as a graduate student in Public Policy and Global Affairs.

Serving others has always been my calling. Since 2022, I have volunteered in the GSS Election and Engagement committee. Assessing students’ needs, planning & executing events, and fostering a sense of belonging and community among graduate students.

Volunteering gave me insight into the issues graduate students face and how to address them. Supervisor-student relationships, expectations, and mental health (stress, anxiety, and depression) are among these issues. Furthermore, high tuition, housing, food, and pressure to complete programs in a timely manner are all challenging for graduate students to manage, especially when combined with other personal challenges (jobs, families, and other responsibilities).

Entrusting me with VP Student Affairs’ position will enable me to advocate persuasively for students’ rights and needs using data to ensure that the university remains a top-notch entity for development of initiatives to support and accommodate students’ needs in collaboration with other stakeholders.

Sam Kenston

I am a physician currently pursuing a PhD in Public Health at the School of Population and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine. I served as the VP Students of the GSS 2 years ago and currently finishing my term as the President seeking re-election. My goals for the society remains the same: advocate for the guaranteed minimum funding for PhD students to be increased from the current 4years to 5 years (4YF to 5YF), advocate for minimum funding for Masters students, increase support for students with families (child care).

As the President, I will create the necessary avenue so that students concern can be heard and channeled to the appropriate university authorities to be addressed. I also hope to work with the GSS council to expand the Graduate Student Financial Aid, the Housing Security Aid and the Health, the Dental Plan among others.

The Society has much potential and with you, we can achieve a lot. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have suggestions, questions or let’s grab a drink and chat about our Society.

Urmi Mody

Hello Everyone,

I am Urmi Mody. I am a third-year Ph.D. Student in the Department of Chemistry. I aspire to be on the GSS committee as VP (Student) to advocate for graduate student well-being and add graduate students’ perspectives to the committee’s decisions. Being a part of committees such as CGSS (chemistry graduate student society) and JOHSC (Joint Occupational and Health Safety Committee) has enabled me to expand my understanding of the gap between student needs and the available resources. In addition, being a part of the GSS would allow me to voice student opinions and bridge the gap between the administrative committee of the University of British Columbia and graduate students across campus. For instance, understanding the committee’s reasons for a tuition increase, graduate student stipend, and changing policies with rapidly evolving global health emergencies would allow me to communicate these reasons to my peers.

Furthermore, given the rigid expectations for graduate students, I aim to advocate the importance of mental health and make mental health resources/personnel (such as nurses, sports equipment, and community/ festivals) more accessible.

In addition to mental health, I also aim to make UBC graduate school more inclusive of the Indigenous communities (First Nations, Inuit, Métis) of British Columbia (and Canada) by spreading better awareness of the culture and tradition of the Indigenous communities.

Finally, I aim to spread awareness about student housing and food security concerns amongst graduate students. I firmly believe addressing the topics mentioned above would enable UBC to produce better researchers and scientists and attract more collaborations and funding opportunities for graduate students.

I look forward to working with GSS to make Graduate School experience a memorable one for every student.