GSS Annual Survey

The GSS runs an annual survey to measure the quality of graduate students’ experience at UBC Vancouver.

The answers and opinions we collect help us identify the most pressing challenges faced by graduate students, and then advocate for improvements in areas such as graduate student funding, housing, and career preparation.

Because we have been running the survey since 2014, the results also provide a useful snapshot of the changing concerns and experiences of graduate students over time.

How Survey Data is Used

Once the survey is closed, we collate and analyze the results.

  • We present the findings using clear themes that correspond to the main concerns of graduate students
  • We use infographics, graphs and images to ensure the results are approachable and easily interpreted
  • We produce a report for the GSS Council, which help inform our advocacy priorities for the next year
  • We disseminate the results widely to decision makers across campus to make sure they understand the issues grad students face
To see the GSS’ advocacy and campaign work driven by survey data, and to see more detailed discussions and dissemination of survey results, please check out the Advocacy page.

Past Survey Reports

Graduate Student Satisfaction Survey 2023

Summary Report & Recommendations

Graduate Students – Supervisory Relations

April 2019

Creating Healthy Campuses

A Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy for All

Graduate Student Satisfaction Survey

Summary Report & Recommendations