Make a Difference This Holiday Season

As conflict and violence continue to devastate Gaza, Congo, Lebanon, Ukraine, Sudan, Haiti, and other regions, many in our graduate student community at UBC are shocked, saddened, and deeply worried. Some of us are disappointed and frustrated with our governments. Some of us have become involved through protest, charity, dialogue, and education. Some of us have friends and family who have been directly impacted by these crises. At a basic level, we are all connected. Our similarities as social and sentient beings should outshine our differences. All peoples deserve equal human rights, safety, opportunity, and their fundamental needs met. In the spirit of the season, the Graduate Student Society (GSS) invites you to join us in extending a helping hand through a humanitarian drive.

This December and January, we are coming together to support the Humanitarian Coalition, a collective of Canada’s leading aid organizations. By pooling resources, they provide an efficient way to respond to international humanitarian disasters, saving lives and bringing hope to those in need. 100% of your donations will be gifted to the Humanitarian Collective, and the total value raised will be announced at the end of this campaign.  
Let’s show the collective power, compassion, and solidarity of our UBC community. Any amount helps, and encouraging others to participate is also appreciated. Thank you very much for your support.
Learn more about the Humanitarian Coalition: and their Impact Stories

Steps to Participate

Please note: As a non-profit organization, we are unable to issue tax receipts for donations.


$50 of $1000 CAD
days left

Please note: As a non-profit organization, we are unable to issue tax receipts for donations.


For inquiries and questions, please email: