What type of companies to apply to right now (and why)

It has been implied by the United Nations that global economic conditions are reducing the availability of viable and well-paying jobs. For instance, many professionals find the job market even more challenging as a result of the global pandemic. However, it is still possible for proactive and skilled individuals who are motivated to work to find numerous opportunities for their careers despite the global employment market struggling to recover fully from the recent recession.  

There are still numerous opportunities for passionate professionals who are motivated to work, especially grad students thinking about their post-grad careers. It is reflected in the growth of multiple sectors that continue to create brand new jobs for people with similar interests and aspirations. For instance, many Canadian banks have really stepped up their game in terms of looking out for their employees.

So, without further ado, here are some key things to look out for while applying to companies, scouring the perfect one for you. Hopefully, it helps you find your dream job in no time at all. 


It has a healthy work culture and the structure of the company is such that employees work as a team. Inclusion and diversity remain central to who they are and what they do. Regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, language, or experience, people aren’t held back by differences of any kind. If they have any initiative to address the lack of relevant experience, skills, knowledge, and networks that some young Canadians in marginalized communities need to succeed in today’s rapidly changing work environment, that’s a plus. Of course, there should be an abundance of opportunities open for individuals in this group. 


This is a place where you may pursue your dreams and achieve your objectives in a safe and welcoming environment. Every employee has the chance to have a significant effect on the business by collaborating with skilled colleagues on fascinating tasks. The company might pledge to have no job losses as a result of COVID in 2020 and has specifically educated HR specialists to assist in the reassignment of staff from one business to another as the organization adapts to changing demands.


From tackling issues like cancer cures to natural disaster prevention, the company takes pride in revolutionizing its operations. They invest in groundbreaking research and are committed to environmental and social responsibility. Additionally, they vocally advocate for those in need with campaigns.


There are many possibilities for developing and enhancing your career with the company due to its well established name. Furthermore, it’s a positive if it is so confident in its abilities that it is willing to evaluate a broader spectrum of candidates, relying on talent evaluations rather than specific job criteria or histories. 


They financially meet your needs. They have fantastic leadership that has provided you the opportunity to further your education, work in a welcoming workplace, and have a good work-life balance.

A Joint Letter Addressing Student Safety as Omicron Surges

Dr. Henry and Minister Kang,

As many students in this province are set to return to campus for in-person learning, the extraordinary spread of the COVID-19 Omicron variant represents a real and continued threat to the safety of post-secondary students and staff, specifically those who are immunocompromised. We, the undersigned, strongly urge the Provincial Health Officer to change the guidance issued to post-secondary institutions on December 21st, 2021, which “strongly recommend[s] continuation of on-campus instruction for post-secondary institutions in January 2022.”[[1]]

Since the Provincial Health Officer’s guidance to post-secondary institutions was issued in mid-December, the COVID-19 situation in BC has drastically changed. As of January 20th, the total number of COVID-19 cases in British Columbia was 305,715.[[2]] The number of active cases in the province as of January 20th was 37,430, with a total of 2,520 deaths to date.[[3]] In Canada as a whole, the total number of cases has increased to ​​2,868,862, with 32,220 deaths.[[4]] The Omicron variant has shown “evidence of increased transmissibility,” as well as the risk of reinfection for those who have previously contracted a former variant of COVID-19.[[5]] The highly transmissible Omicron variant poses a serious threat to many student demographics.

Post-secondary institutions must take an approach that acknowledges local health conditions, the size of their institution, and the needs of students and staff who are immunocompromised or living with those in high risk categories. For the safety of all students and British Columbians, institutions need to maximize their hybrid learning capabilities and allow students to attend online or in-person, depending on their own comfort levels and circumstances .

Post-secondary institutions look to the Provincial Health Officer for direction when making decisions related to COVID-19. The current guidance encourages institutions to take an approach that will result in an unsafe environment for students and staff. Every student navigates post-secondary education differently, and while there are those who prefer the in-person model, there are many students who face great risks to their health and safety by coming to campus.

Post-secondary institutions have been refining hybrid learning since the beginning of the pandemic. In the midst of the Omicron surge, post-secondary institutions must continue to utilize these online and hybrid learning models that help ensure the safety and well-being of all students. We believe the Provincial Health Officer should be encouraging them to do so.


[[1]] Provincial Government of British Columbia, Ministry of Health, Office of the Provincial Health Officer, December 21, 2021, https://adm.viu.ca/sites/default/files/1217020-letter-to-psi-presidents-dec-21-2021-%28003%29.pdf (accessed January 12, 2022)

[[2]] Government of Canada, “COVID-19 Daily Epidemiology Update”, January 17, 2022 https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/epidemiological-summary-covid-19-cases.html?stat=num&measure=total&map=pt#a2 (accessed January 12, 2022)

[[3]] Ibid

[[4]] Ibid

[[5]] Government of Canada, “SARS-CoV-2 variants: National definitions, classifications and public health actions”, December 23, 2021, https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/health-professionals/testing-diagnosing-case-reporting/sars-cov-2-variants-national-definitions-classifications-public-health-actions.html#a3 (accessed January 12, 2022)

Welcome to new GSS VP External Relations – Natalie Cappe

The GSS is excited to announce the appointment of Natalie Cappe as your new VP External Relations. A Master’s student in Community and Regional Planning, Natalie comes with comprehensive understanding of the role as she has been serving as the GSS External Policy Assistant since August 2020.

Get to know Natalie Cappe and her priorities:

My name is Natalie Cappe, and I am completing a Masters in Community and Regional Planning. I am running for the position of Vice President External Relations to leverage my knowledge of effective student government to improve the lives of graduate students at UBC. I have served as the External Policy Assistant of the Graduate Student Society since August 2020 and have gained a comprehensive understanding of the role of the GSS’ Vice President External Relations. I have worked alongside the past two students who have held the position of Vice President External Relations at the GSS (Alireza Kamyabi and Ashni Gill) to advocate for UBC graduate students at a provincial and federal level. Some of the most notable initiatives in which I have been involved include: the extension of the BC Graduate Scholarship to offer more funding opportunities for graduate students, the publication of a report outlining the importance of graduate education in Canada, as well as a critical review of UBC’s Sexual Misconduct policy to improve safety and wellbeing of graduate students. I have also been involved in the establishment of Canada’s first informal federal alliance of graduate students. In addition, I have worked closely with UBC’s Alma Mater Society where we advocate for solutions to issues that can affect all students such as affordable housing and improved access to mental health support. If elected as VPX, while in office, my priorities include:

    1. Collaborate with Graduate Students of Canada (GSSC) to advocate for improved federal funding (such as tri-agency funding) for graduate students that accounts for inflation
    2. Continue to work with UBC’s Alma Mater Society to advocate for: improved affordable housing for students, improved support for Indigenous students, and mental health support
    3. Work with UBC administration and student leaders at some of our partner organizations (those affiliated with the Alliance of British Columbia Students) to facilitate improved training and education surrounding sexual misconduct

As a result of the experience I have gained and the relationships I have built working in student government thus far, I am confident that I can effectively serve the Vice President External Office.

Natalie’s office term will start immediately and end in April 2022.

Thank you to the other candidates for their interest in serving the UBC graduate student community. We wish you all the best.

GSS Engagement Survey 2021 Highlights

In Fall 2021, the GSS ran a survey to assess the engagement of UBC graduate students with the Society. The survey consisted of the following topics: awareness, past events, and future events. The results will be instrumental in targeting certain events and engagement methods that have provided the highest participation.

Here are some highlights from the survey results: 

Response rate: A total of 413 respondents started the Engagement survey, and 387 respondents reached the end of the survey, for a completion rate of 94%.

GSS Awareness: 91% of respondents are aware of the Graduate Student Society. Among respondents who know about the GSS, 70% of respondents do not know anyone involved in the GSS. The top three social media platforms that graduate students use to follow the GSS are Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, respectively. 

GSS Past Events: The top three GSS events that graduate students attended in the past are career-building workshops, networking events, and organized sports. In the past six months, 72% of respondents did not attend any GSS events and 25% of respondents attended one or two events. 

GSS Future Events: The top four events or services that respondents want the GSS to hold in the future are outdoor events or hikes, career-building workshops, subsidized tickets, and networking events. Near half of the respondents (43%) prefer in-person events and another 43% of respondents would attend the events either in-person or online. 

On weekdays, the best time window for graduate students to attend GSS events is from 6 pm to 8 pm. Generally, they prefer to attend events on Friday more than other weekdays. On the weekend, they can attend events from 10 am to 8 pm with an overall preference for Saturday over Sunday. 

Thank you to everyone who has completed the survey!

For more information, please contact survey@gss.ubc.ca.

GSS’ New VPUAA: Yuran Zhang

The GSS is excited to announce the appointment of Yuran Zhang as your new VP University and Academic Affairs.

A master’s student in Food Science, Yuran self-identifies as a passionate, conscientious and organized student leader. Read her appointment statement:

I’ve always been enthusiastic about advocating for students’ rights and building community on campus through events. Back in my undergraduate studies at Jiangnan University, I was a VP Multimedia Communication at the Students’ Union, where I was able to foster my skills in communication, problem-solving, and coordinating events. In 2019, I joined AIESEC Canada as a Business Development Manager at AIESEC Guelph and built connections with over 50 local companies. Through our efforts, we were able to assist companies to hire international interns and ensure their financial and healthcare benefits. That was the time I realized that I wanted to dedicate myself to advocating for students and young talents. Therefore, after joining UBC, I volunteered in various faculty events and joined the Faculty of Land and Food Systems (LFS) Graduate Student Council as a program representative. Now I hope, by joining GSS, I could contribute more to supporting students from diverse backgrounds and collaborate with awesome GSS members from different faculties.

I identify myself as a passionate, conscientious and organized student leader which I think is what you are looking for in a VPUAA. If I am fortunate enough to be elected, I’d like to bring changes to GSS through the following:

    1. Make Peer Support service more accessible and more effective. Peer Support is definitely a great program but maybe less known within faculties. I personally think that it’s important to let students know there’s support here for them. This might be achieved by cooperating with the administrative coordinators of each faculty to circulate the information (which might also be helpful for hiring Peer Support specialists).
    2. Ensure graduate students’ benefits during COVID time. Being a TA and an international student in a research-based program myself, I could deeply feel the difficulties we’re facing because of the pandemic. The rising rents, confusing health care, unawareness of financial aids and losing sense of belongingness are the most common issues I heard from people around me. To better speak for UBC graduate students, we may collect results from university surveys and records of Peer Support.

Thanks for your patient reading. I’m looking forward to building a respectful and diverse community with you at GSS.

Yuran’s term as VPUAA will start immediately. Please join us in welcoming Yuran to the GSS Executive Team.

Thank you to the other candidates for their interest in serving the UBC graduate student community. We wish you all the best.

GSS Council Summary – August 2021

Welcome to the summary of GSS Council on August 19, 2021.

Congratulations to our new Affiliated Organizations: Physics and Astronomy Graduate Student Association, HLI Trainee Association, African Graduate Students (AfriGS) of Acadia, and Counselling Psychology Students Association.

Council this month was short and sweet, with no matters for decision.

The meeting began with one expedient matter: an overview of UBC’s Campus and Community Planning (C+CP)’s upcoming comprehensive campus-wide land use planning process (Campus Vision 2050) – Several staff from C+CP joined the GSS to raise awareness of their work, provide an overview of Campus Vision 2050, answer questions, and understand how the GSS would like to engage through this process.

Subsequently, there were several presentations for discussion, including a report on the House Finance Committee’s recommendations for the GSS to invest in mutual aid portfolios, a proposal by the Governance and Accountability Committee for splitting the FEOO position, and an update by the Strategic Planning Ad-Hoc Committee on the current draft of the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan.

As always, minutes will be available once approved on the GSS website for more details. The next meeting will be on Thursday, September 16, 2021 on Microsoft Teams. All graduate students are welcome to attend, and to join Council as departmental representatives! Contact president@gss.ubc.ca and aa@gss.ubc.ca for details.

Written by Sophie Penniman

GSS Council Summary – July 2021


Welcome to the summary of GSS Council on July 15, 2021.

Congratulations to our new Councillors: Bukola Mary Ibitoye (Nursing), and Davi Monticelli (Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences) and new Affiliated Organizations: Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Student Society, Biomedical Engineering Graduate Association (re-affilated), and InterVarsity Graduate Student Fellowship (re-affiliated).

Council dealt efficiently with several important items:

  • The meeting began with two expedient matters: the first was an introduction to decolonization and indigenization in higher education by Dr. Sharon Stein from the Department of Educational Studies – Dr. Stein will be expanding on this topic in the upcoming July Council Retreat; the second was an annual consultation from the Alliance of BC Students on the issues that matter most to graduate students

  • The annual appointment of the Financial and Executive Oversight Officer took place with 2 candidates making it to Council for the vote, including the incumbent. The vote was the closest seen in many years, but eventually the incumbent was voted in – congratulations Tayo Olarewaju on another year as FEOO.

  • The Governance & Accountability Committee came back with recommendations on addressing issues with the mandates of the Services and Elections Committees. Council approved the option of expanding the Services mandate to include engagement matters, dissolving Elections Committee, and considering a more temporary option for administering elections each year. Further steps to achieve this are forthcoming.

Finally, there were several presentations for discussion, including a report on the recently completed internal audit of the GSS by Bakau Consulting; a mid-term review of committees’ SMART Goals; an update on the 2021-22 executives’ goals; and the regular monthly financial overview

As always, minutes will be available once approved on the GSS website for more details. The next meeting will be on Thursday, August 19, 2021 on Microsoft Teams. All graduate students are welcome to attend, and to join Council as departmental representatives! Contact president@gss.ubc.ca and aa@gss.ubc.ca for details.

Written by Victoria Gomez[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Tayo Olarewaju: GSS Financial & Executive Oversight Officer Re-Appointed

The GSS is excited to announce the re-appointment of Tayo Olarewaju as your Financial and Executive Oversight Officer (FEOO).

Tayo Olarewaju is a Ph.D. candidate at Peter A. Allard School of Law who possesses law and business degrees. He was appointed to the position of FEOO last year, and this experience has enabled him to engage in improving the financial reporting structure and executive oversight at the GSS. 

In the 2021-2022 term, Tayo intends to complete various ongoing projects, such as discussions on executives’ work hours and honoraria, ways to prudently maximize returns from GSS funds, and finalizing necessary accounting policy documentation. He is also interested in assisting in filling gaps that he has become aware of in the past year (e.g. inadequate executive transition procedure).

Tayo’s term as FEOO will continue until August 2022. Please join us in congratulating Tayo on his re-appointment to the GSS Executive Team.

Thank you to the other candidates for their interest in serving the UBC graduate student community. We wish you all the best.

How GSS Has Served Grad Students: Annual Review 2019-2020

Have you ever wondered how your Graduate Student Society (GSS) have been representing and advocating on behalf of you and all graduate students at UBC Vancouver?

In 2019-2020, we focused our efforts in three key areas:

  1. Equity & Diversity: Re-affirmed our commitment to represent and champion students from diverse and marginalized backgrounds with active, equitable actions and policies
  2. Wellness: Engaged with multiple partners across and beyond campus to tackle the spectrum of problems that impact graduate student mental health
  3. Funding & Finance: Voiced the ongoing financial crises graduate students face, on multiple platforms and actively providing data-backed solutions to University administration and government officials.

Check out our GSS Annual Review 2019-2020 for all the highlights!

GSS Council Summary – June 2021


Welcome to the summary of GSS Council on June 20, 2021.

Congratulations to our new Councillor: Desiree Fiaccabrino (Chemistry) and new Affiliated Organizations: Graduate Consulting and Business Network and Microbiology and Immunology Graduate Student Society.

Council this month saw several major matters that carried it far into the evening:

  • The meeting began with an expedient matter: a presentation from the Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights group at UBC calling for the GSS to support and act on this urgent global matter; the Council pledged its support and the Academic & External Affairs Committee together with the VP External will continue the relationship

  • Following the resignation of the newly-elected VP University and Academic Affairs, Council decided to appoint an interim VPUAA while a by-election is being prepared; 3 interested candidates participated in the election and Council voted in Yundi Wang as our newest VPUAA! We hope our students will join us in welcome Yundi to this vital role as advocate in many important campus spaces

  • Council had an engaged discussion about the current state of Human Resources at the society, eventually voting in favour of the President hiring a contract HR position to address staff needs since the HR Committee chair position remains vacant and there is potential for greater changes to HR personnel structure at the Society

  • Discussion on the proposed 2022-2026 Strategic Plan themes continued after being postponed last month, and Council voted in favour of the themes “Graduate Student Experience”, “Resilience”, and “Our Society”

Finally, Council heard presentations from GSS staff about the GSS Archives project being started this summer; an update on the renovation of the Thea Koerner House and creation of the Graduate Life Centre; and the monthly financial overview.

As always, minutes will be available once approved on the GSS website for more details. The next meeting will be on Thursday, June 17, 2021. All graduate students are welcome to attend, and to join Council as departmental representatives! Contact president@gss.ubc.ca and aa@gss.ubc.ca for details.

Written by Victoria Gomez[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]